With the Kontakt Læge app (Contact Doctor), social workers and healthcare professionals can help citizens without NemID start a video consultation with their own doctor.
Many people now know the app MinLæge (MyDoctor App). An app that allows you to make video calls with your own doctor using your NemID. An opportunity that has been seriously justified after the outbreak of COVID-19. However, for some citizens, using this opportunity may be more difficult. There are citizens who do not have a NemID and there will be citizens who are unable to use it.
Københavns Kommune (The Municipality of Copenhagen) has developed the new app Kontakt Læge (Contact Doctor), which is a further development of the MinLæge app (MyDoctor app). The app is a technical solution that allows the municipality’s employees to help citizens without NemID to conduct a video consultation with their own doctor.
You can read more about the Kontakt Læge app (Contact Doctor app) here, as well as see instructions and descriptions. Linking to a Danish site.
Kontakt Læge – Ny app gør det nemmere for læger og sundhedspersonale at hjælpe borgere uden NemID med at starte en videokonsultation.
Hvad gør man egentligt, hvis man ikke har NemID eller måske ikke lige kan bruge det? Kan man så ikke komme i kontakt med egen læge via videokonsultation? Den udfordring stod Københavns Kommune i og valgte derfor at få udviklet app’en KontaktLæge.
Det betyder, at social- og sundhedsfagligt personale nu kan hjælpe borgere uden NemID med at starte en videokonsultation med egen læge.