Digital Health

We are committed to making life easier for patients and healthcare workers across sectors and silos

We are committed to making life easier for patients and healthcare workers across sectors and silos


Digital Health that improves everyday life

As a pioneer in digital healthcare, we have developed award-winning systems that are considered the backbone of the Danish healthcare system. Our work spans the public sector across silos, like hospitals, GPs, pharmacies and homecare, as well as in the private sector with multinational pharmaceutical companies.

Across these sectors and silos, we are committed to making life easier for patients and healthcare professionals.

Deep industry knowledge from experienced developers and healthcare professionals

With our 20 years of experience in developing, delivering, and supporting high performing, award winning cross-sector solutions, we drive our customers digital transformations with strong proof-of-concepts on new technologies and capabilities.

By combining deep industry knowledge from the most experienced developers and in-house healthcare professionals, Trifork truly brings new digital healthcare solutions to market in an industry where digitalisation and patient empowerment are key factors.

We strive to support the entire patient journey

Through digital solutions, we are committed to making life easier and safer for patients and employees in the danish healthcare system. We develop solutions for the entire journey of life – from cradle to grave – that aim to create proximity in the digital space.

Our mission is to support citizens, patients, and relatives in taking an active part in their disease course and treatment – and thus help to support all phases of life.

Digital health products

Trifork Components

Cut costs and save time with Trifork’s modular components, creating fast, efficient, and personalized experiences for any industry. Our components help anyone in direct contact with clients—whether they’re patients, citizens, or customers—deliver fast, efficient, and personalized experiences.

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Trifork Transport Refund

Trifork Transport Refund is an intuitive system where the patient fills in an electronic application for a transport refund directly on a touch screen. The system itself calculates the number of kilometers based on the patient’s address information, and the application is sent electronically to the departments that administer the applications.

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Trifork Cloud Stack

Trifork Cloud Stack (TCS) is a curated, cloud agnostic solution which deploys and manages the infrastructure of your cloud services. It helps your business maintain and optimize secure services in hybrid scenarios with both on-prem and cloud usage and abstracts the complexities of running a production setup, in a secure scalable way.

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our operation model

Inspire. Build. Run.

Idea generation with our customers

Innovation only happens if an idea is adopted by end-users. The inspiration process often starts with a workshop bringing insight into important design trends and principles as well as insight into the technical landscape. We find the right digital solution to your challenges and get them in the hands of users fast and efficiently.

Building ecosystems & national infrastructure

We develop tailor-made software solutions using the latest technology, enabling digital health ecosystems and national healthcare IT infrastructures as well as technology-enabled decision support systems, while securing patient data and privacy. We offer product development solutions, mobile-first solutions, design and migration as well as application development.

Keeping our customers’ solutions healthy

We’re constantly updating and upgrading our customers’ platforms, ensuring that their solutions are kept “fit”, like a well-trained muscle – all the while ensuring privacy of sensitive data and delivering future-proof scalability. We are able to constantly maintain, expand and renew without ever needing a service window with down-time.


In 2024 we support:





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