Intensive work is being done these days at an EU level to establish architectures and standards for how the digital corona passports in different countries can work together.
An open exchange of experience and status updates has just been held between HL7 Affiliates in the EU, where the rest of the world was invited to participate, listen and debate afterwards. 200 interested participants from all over the world joined the virtual event, Interoperable Proof of Vaccination: Implementation approaches across Europe, which HL7 Europe held on 25 February.
Trifork Business Unit Lead, Jens Kristian Villadsen, is Chairman of HL7 Denmark and Executive Board Member of HL7 Europe and was on the virtual panel giving his input on the subject.
If you want to know more, you can watch the recording of the event below.
Europæiske planer for digitalt coronapas
Der arbejdes i disse dage intensivt på europæisk plan for at etablere arkitekturer og standarder for, hvordan de forskellige landes digitale Coronapas skal kunne fungere sammen.
Der er netop afholdt en åben erfarings- og status udveksling mellem HL7 Affiliates i EU, hvor resten af verden var inviteret til at lytte med og debattere efterfølgende. 200 interesserede personer fra hele verden deltog i det virtuelle event, Interoperable Proof of Vaccination: Implementation approaches across Europe, som HL7 Europe afholdte d. 25. februar.
Triforks Business Unit Lead, Jens Kristian Villadsen er formand for HL7 Danmark og Executive Boardmember HL7 Europe og var på den virtuelle talerstol med sit input om emnet.
Jens Kristian Villadsen