The successfully launched KL Gateway (Gateway to the Local Government Denmark – KL) is on FHIR*.
It is the first FHIR interface with publicly available documentation that has gone into production on a larger scale in Denmark, it is also the first system under the auspices of the FUT-platform (the Danish Shared Development of Telemedicine which Trifork co-developed with Systematic) that has reached this milestone and has as such overtaken the development and roll-out of the clinician-turned, disease-specific applications.
The close and cohesive healthcare system must be strengthened. In this connection, there was the need for the 98 Danish municipalities’ data regarding health and the elderly data to be made more accessible in and across municipalities, but also with other health actors and across sectors.
The vision behind the gateway is that the individual subject systems deliver data to a central solution, from which data can be redistributed to several data applications at e.g. Sundhedsdatastyrelsen (The Danish Health Data Authority), Danmarks Statistik (Statistics Denmark) and Regional Quality Databases. The municipalities will have access to aggregated data across municipalities, as the municipality information management system (FLIS) is enriched with data for the areas of health and the elderly. The gateway and the data recipients benefit from standardized registrations based on the common data standard FSIII, which will support management information and statistics.
*FHIR: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources

Has this peaked you interest? Get in touch.
Jens Kristian Villadsen
Business Unit Leader at Trifork | Chairman of the board at HL7 DK