Trifork Smart Building



Construction & Smart Buildings

Business Area

Smart Building

Next-Generation Buildings

Traditionally, only 1% of the building industry’s turnover is used on innovation – and the building industry’s productivity pr CO2 emission has not evolved during the last 25 years. Almost all other sectors have improved by more than 30%!

Trifork wants to change that – and is investing in sustainable, digital buildings, collaborating with the best building partners, and installing state-of-the-art digital infrastructure. Our buildings are built with wood and upcycled materials, utilizing solar panels and geothermal heating. The wood alone encapsulates more than 500 tons of CO2.

Trifork Smart Building – a sustainable, user-friendly and fully digitalized commercial building

Buildings as data sources

A building contains a myriad of utilities, devices, systems, furniture, & users. A building is also influenced by several external factors like weather, city infrastructure, events etc. There is a wealth of data to collect, allowing us to utilize the resulting intelligence in other buildings.

reduction of CO2


tons of CO2 embedded in
the building’s use of wood


aim to utilize or store of
self-produced solar energy


upcycled materials


Building on a sustainable foundation

More than a third of CO2 emissions come from buildings. We’re on a mission to build the most sustainable office buildings leveraging wood construction & upcycled materials/interior, optimized energy consumption through intelligent & dynamic climate- & power control, and contributing to local area resilience via water reservoirs connected to the water utility company, allowing for flooding control.

Sustainability doesn’t have to come at the cost of the user experience

One temperature doesn’t fit all. We know the value of a pleasant working environment to allow peak performance from our talented people, so we always strive to make the user experience seamless, unobtrusive, and robust. Our goal is to create working environments that are easy to control and interact with for everyone, and to build systems that learn from user behavior and adapt automatically – and our data collection correlates temperature, occupancy, & outside weather conditions to optimize set-points.

Hybrid heating solution that combines geothermal, solar energy and process heat.

Buildings that improve over time

With the right platform, building performance becomes a software game. With our digital, open infrastructure we ensure a customizable & dynamic facility, where new functionality can be implemented overnight and new technology, use cases, & configurations are easily applied.



Get in touch with our Smart Building team

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*The CO2 reduction is calculated with the UpCycling Forum’s digital tool which also facilitates upcycling and material selection.


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