Trifork Tech Update: Banking as a service

Considering to embark on a new greenfield bank or maybe replace the existing legacy systems in an existing bank or offer bank-like products? – A Banking as a Service Platform may be something to look into.

Have you already considered whether entering the banking space may be the right move for your business? Or maybe you are looking to modernise your existing legacy system in a fast and cost-efficient way?

We know that the Banking as a Service space can seem overwhelming and difficult to grasp, which is why we have gathered a few allies within this space, firstly kompasbank who has been on the same journey had the same considerations, and wants to share their experiences within getting started as a new bank using a Banking as a service platform.

Because of the vast number of vendors in the space, it can be difficult to get an overview of which one is the right for you. For this event we have selected an experienced vendor, who can guide you through those first difficult steps and give advice in terms of what to look for when selecting a banking platform.

By participating in this event you will gain:

  • A deeper understanding of the current competitive landscape and why Banking as a Service could make sense for your business
  • A concrete use case with kompasbank, the latest bank to receive a banking license in Denmark, hear about their experiences in starting a new bank from scratch and the challenges they faced
  • A quick overview of some of the options available on the market, how to get started, and which considerations you should make before diving into Banking as a Service

This Tech Update is primarily targeted towards decision-makers, business unit leaders or C-level executives. This event is relevant if:

  • You are looking to either get started in building a bank or are interested in making a Fintech product
  • You currently have aging product platforms and are looking for alternatives by migrating to a new platform
  • You want to develop a new product for a specific customer group and need a fast Proof of Concept to verify if the platform covers your use cases


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