On a daily basis government agencies trust in our abilities and experience to create state-of-the-art digital solutions to support the services they provide for citizens and companies
Denmark is a frontrunner in innovative and secure use of data and digital solutions in the Public Sector. Our many years of experience with digital solutions to support everything from person registration processes from birth through education and fully supported digital processes, to establish a new company or submission of yearly reports from the businesses in Denmark. These examples demonstrate a few of the many successful projects and cooperation between public agencies and suppliers of it-projects and it-solutions. In close collaboration we have developed strong partnerships with government agencies as well as the suppliers.
The Trifork GovTech Business Unit is a unification of all the our years of experience within public digitization in the Trifork Group. With more than 200 employees and a turnover of EUR 30 million (2021 figures), we demonstrate our contribution to successful public digitization in the form of innovative and high quality usable solutions, which provide solid data foundation for the agency as well as great user satisfaction. You might be familiar with some of our brands: Trifork, Nine, Netic or Duckwise. Either way, we are all part of the Trifork Group and together we are a strong partner for all of your GovTech digitization projects.
Our experience spans from design processes; small solutions for very focused use to larger scale critical solutions with high impact in the day-to-day life of citizens. In Denmark we have helped to deliver e.g. the CVR register (central register of all companies including ownership, board, etc); modernization of CPR register (central register of all Danish citizens); the Arne pension solution, Next Generation Digital Post and many more.
Our vision is for Denmark to be the frontrunner when it comes to using data and digital solutions in order to perform public authority tasks in an innovative and safe way.
our operation model
As a lean innovation partner, we help customers build insights and validate new digital solutions, greenfield concepts, processes or platforms. We use different tools and approaches to improve user experiences, reach new customer segments, adopt new technologies or simply to allow you to work smarter and more efficient.
Our team of experienced designers, architects, developers and PMs are carefully selected specifically for each solution we build. We are used to building transaction-heavy applications with fast user-adoption, that respect customer data, privacy and security.
In a highly regulated sector, we help government customers select the right operational environment, focusing on scalability, security, GDPR and costs. Trifork and our partners offer hosting and support, either cloud-based or on-premise. In Denmark we even operate our own data centres which gives our customers safe and secure operation services without any data leaving Denmark.
We are looking for government agencies and partners who are eager to explore new ways of providing digital services to the citizens and companies they serve. People with high ambitions for a better and more seamless digital welfare offering.
GovTech Cases
If you prefer, you can also contact us on info@trifork.com
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